In 2021, my daughter Nola Bloom was born.
The world I knew before birth no longer existed and I was catapulted into long sleepless nights, milky kisses, constant mess and a heart that literally exploded with love every time I thought of my daughter. I knew something was missing though. There was a longing for connection, for my village. I was struggling and my birth was less than desirable. I started to seek out my tribe, if I was feeling this disconnect, surely others were too? I felt drawn to birth work and it was healing to learn about the emotional and spiritual side of birth as opposed to just the ‘physical’ side of it.
This fire grew and grew until I KNEW I needed to know more about this rite of passage. It became so strong that one day after a long Reiki session, I decided to bite the bullet and sign up to study to become a Doula through Doula Training Academy. It fulfilled this need within me and I haven’t looked back since. Educating women on birth physiology and reigniting the spiritual side of birth is my end goal and each step has come so easy to me as I’m guided by intuition and listening to the real stories of women and what they want.
Alas, my little business was born, Meet the Mother. This name is about our transition to motherhood. Where we wave goodbye to our maiden days and greet our new self. ‘Birth is where you ‘meet the mother’ and my dear she is beautiful’.
I offer a range of packages that can be tailored to each individual’s experience. This rite of passage is so unique to every woman, therefore there is no ‘one size fits all’. I offer birth education classes and antenatal visits that prepare the family for birth and help move baby into the optimal position. I offer postpartum visits, where I shower the mother in love bringing warming meals, self-care gifts and offer support around the house. And my favourite of all is supporting women and their partners in the birth space. Birth is so sacred and I feel so much joy and love when being welcomed into this space. I use a range of techniques to encourage and bring comfort to the mother while she brings baby earth side. Mother’s Blessing and Women’s Circles are also offerings that bring me so much joy and connection. Again, these can be tailored to the woman I work with.
Creating connection and growing our village is so important to me. Every woman should feel nurtured and empowered every step of the way throughout her pregnancy, birth and postpartum season. Hiring a doula is such an underutilised service, they are a ‘warm hug’ in one of the rawest and vulnerable times in a woman’s life. They bring evidence based research and ancient wisdom together, weaving the two into one.
My name is Erin Hawksworth and I am a birth and postpartum Doula and founder of Meet the Mother and I am located in Wynn Vale, South Australia. I love connecting with women and am a lover of all things birth. I would be honoured to support and empower you on this journey. If you would like some more information, please contact me.