Aleena Arnold

Aleena Arnold - photo.jpg
Albany Creek QLD, Australia
Wruck Crescent Albany Creek Queensland 4035 AU

Hey Mamma’s to be! I’m Aleena and I’m located in Albany Creek, Queensland.

I’m a defence spouse who has travelled around the countryside, Mamma to 2 children (1 was taken too soon and 1 one year old who loves exploring), and I have 4 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit and 5 fish.

I’m a pretty easy-going person and appreciate the little things in life that has to offer.

I love being a mum, teaching my daughter new skills, taking the dogs to the dog park, visiting new locations, surrounding myself around like-minded people, movie lover, chocolate, music, helping others out and most of spending time with my partner and daughter.

As you have already read and can tell, my heart is made up of my family and developing new friendships with like-minded people, hence to why I believe being a postpartum doula was meant to be.

After having 2 high risk pregnancies and 1 resulting in a loss and meeting various new faces on a daily basis from 20 weeks, I believed that there was a severe lack of support and continuity of care to families during pregnancy and after. This empowered me to explore the career as a Postpartum Doula.

My mission is to support women and their family through the postpartum period. I want to ensure that you are provided with research and support to help you make an informed decision and know your options. Just remember care just doesn’t stop after you leave the hospital, it should continue afterwards. You may want someone to talk to about your experience during pregnancy, birth, and afterwards. Maybe you just need that extra support to help you and your family with errands, folding clothes, looking after your child while you have a shower etc to make your life just a tad easier during the 4th trimester to settle in. I personally know how challenging motherhood can be, and we mothers shouldn’t feel like we have failed if we reach out for help and support from others. It’s like they say, you need a village to help raise a child, and so, you should get that.


  • Doula and Postpartum Doula – Doula Training Academy.
  • Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary School)
  • Studying towards Bachelor of Nursing

(I’m currently looking into enrolling in baby massage and baby sleep consultant courses).

If you feel that I’m a right fit for your journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

My name is Aleena Arnold and I’m a doula who has completed extensive training at the Doula Training Academy under the guidance of Vicki Hobbs. If you would like to find out more about my services and how I can help you, please contact me.

Business name:
Tender Hearts

[email protected]

0438 956 177


Business Name:
Tender Hearts
Phone Number:
0438 956 177
Doula Social Media Accounts